One asterisk


4. Agricultural Valleys*

6 Country Towns*

7. The Countryside*

12. Community Of 7000*

13. Subculture Boundary*

15 Neighborhood Boundary*

16 Web Of Public Transportation*

18 Network Of Learning*

19 Web Of Shopping*

20 Mini-Buses*

24 Sacred Sites*

25 Access To Water*

26 Life Cycle*

28 Eccentric Nucleus*

29 Density Rings*

32 Shopping Street*

33 Night Life*

35 Househould Mix*

38 Row Houses*

42 Industrial Ribbon*

44 Local Town Hall*

47 Health Center*

50 T Junctions*

55 Raised Walk*

56 Bike Paths And Racks*

59 Quiet Backs*

62 High Places*

63 Dancing In The Street*

64 Pools And Streams*

66 Holy Ground**

68 Connected Play**

70 Grave Sites*

71 Still Water*

72 Local Sports*

75 The Family*

76 House For A Small Family*

77 House For A Couple*

78 House For One Person*

81 Small Services Without Red Tape*

82 Office Connections*

83 Master And Apprentices*

86 Children's Home*

89 Corner Grocery*

91 Traveller's Inn*

92 Bus Stop*

93 Food Stands*

96 Number Of Stories*

97 Shielded Parking*

99 Main Building*

102 Family Of Entrances*

103 Small Parking Lots*

108 Connected Buildings*

109 Long Thin House*

114 Hierarchy Of Open Space*

116 Cascade Of Roofs*

118 Roof Garden*

120 Paths And Goals*

121 Path Shape*

122 Building Fronts*

125 Stair Seats*

128 Indoor Sunlight*

132 Short Passages*

134 Zen View*

135 Tapestry Of Light And Dark*

136 Couple's Realm*

137 Children's Realm*

138 Sleeping To The East*

142 Sequence Of Sitting Spaces*

143 Bed Cluster*

144 Bathing Room*

147 Communal Eating*

150 A Place To Wait*

151 Small Meeting Rooms*

154 Teenager's Cottage*

156 Settled Work*

158 Open Stairs*

164 Street Windows*

165 Opening To The Street*

166 Gallery Surround*

169 Terraced Slope*

170 Fruit Trees*

173 Garden Wall*

177 Vegetable Garden*

178 Compost*

181 The Fire*

184 Cooking Layout*

185 Sitting Circle*

189 Dressing Room*

192 Windows Overlooking Life*

193 Half-0pen Wall*

195 Staircase Volume*

196 Corner Doors*

198 Closets Between Rooms*

199 Sunny Counter*

200 Open Shelves*

202 Built-In Seats*

206 Efficient Structure*

209 Roof Layout*

211 Thickening The Outer Walls*

217 Perimeter Beams*

218 Wall Membranes*

220 Roof Vaults*

226 Column Place*

228 Stair Vault*

230 Radiant Heat*

231 Dormer Windows*

235 Soft Inside Walls*

236 Windows Which Open Wide*

238 Filtered Light*

242 Front Door Bench*

244 Canvas Roofs*

245 Raised Flowers*

253 Things From Your Life*