Web Usability Checklist Web Usability Checklist


1 Site’s purpose is clear
2 Includes incentive to take action
3 Includes incentive to return
4 Users can contact via form
5 Feedback provided within 24 hours
6 Company/contact name on each page
7 Error messages include contact info
8 Form shows required & optional data
Internal links
9 Links match pages titles
10  All useful content easy to find
11  Page series linked with next buttons
12  All self-links removed
External links
13  Includes links to external sites
14  Email addresses linked with mailto
15  Link lists annotated
16  50k maximum per page
17  All pages obey same rules
18  Long pages have heads, subheads
19  Each object aligns with others
20  Each page’s content warrants page
21  Pages titled descriptively
22  Short paragraphs
23  CSS used - no <font> tags
24  Pages have footers
25  Relevant text is printable
26  Search tool provided
27  Includes sitemap showing all pages
Site checks
28  Spell checked
29  Links checked
30  Checked at 640x480 and 800x600
31  Checked in IE, 2 Netscapes & Opera
32  Checked cross platform
33  Works with text to speech devices
Other elements
34  All images have ALT tags
35  Pages include all relevant metatags
36  Includes date created
37  Text links as image alternatives
38  Date references current

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